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Full Council 

Full Council meetings bring all Workington Town Councillors together to discuss and decide on important issues, large grant applications, budgets and the precept. 

Finance and General Purposes Committee

The Finance and General Purposes Committee oversees the Council's budget and financial controls. It fulfils the Council's role as an employer and landowner. 

Development Committee


Workington Town Council is a consultee on all planning matters that affect Workington. The local planning authority is Allerdale Borough Council. 

Culture & Community Committee

The Culture Committee oversees the cultural and heritage aspects of Workington. Their aim is to encourage and sponsor arts, sports, cultural, technology and heritage events.

Environment Committee

The Environment Committee’s aim is to produce the best environment for the residents of Workington. This includes maintaining some of the town's parks, open spaces and planted features, managing allotment sites and the restoration of back lanes 

Town Assembly 

The annual Town Assembly provides the residents of Workington with the opportunity to review the conduct of the Council for the previous year and raise any issues to be addressed in the following year

Annual Meeting

This is a meeting of the Full Council, where The Mayor reads an annual report covering the business of the council from the previous year. During this meeting Cllrs nominate and elect the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, along with the committee members and chairs of committees for the forthcoming year.

Agendas and Minutes Archive

View agendas and minutes for full council and committee meetings from previous years here. 

Allotments Committee

The Allotments Committee has been overseen as a sub-committee of the Environment Committee since 2016. Its meetings are ad hoc and occasional as required. Please find the previous agendas and minutes here.

Policy & Resources Committee

This Committee over saw general and cross-cutting issues, and acted as the political leadership of the Council. It's functions were merged with those of the Finance, Property and Employment Committee on 15 May 2019 under the new Finance and General Purposes Committee.

Finance, Property & Employment Committee

The Finance, Property and Employment Committee evaluated the spending of the Council; this included approving allocated spending, reviewing audit reports and monitoring the condition and transfer of land, property and assets.
The Committee's functions were merged with those of the Policy and Resources Committee on 15 May 2019 to form a new Finance and General Purposes Committee.

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