Climate Action Plan

Workington Town Council declared a Climate Emergency and adopted the Climate Action Plan at their Full Council meeting on Wednesday 9th October 2024 (Minute: 24.85)
Since then, the Council has been busy investigating actions the Town Council can take, as well as looking for ways to work with partners to make a difference.
You can download a copy of the Town Council’s Action Plan here.
Each of the Council’s four committees has reviewed the Climate Emergency Action Plan and added actions within their remits. The document will be regularly reviewed at Council Committees and updated with any action taken.
Workington Town Council's Climate Emergency Objectives:
To reduce energy demand, improve energy efficiency and convert to renewable, low or zero carbon technologies for energy and heat.
To promote walking, cycling and public transport. Accelerating the move to Council owned electric vehicles.
Food & Land
To promote sustainable land management, including tree planting to help absorb carbon & water.
Economy, Housing & Waste
To support the local economy to ensure existing and new homes are climate resilient whilst reducing, re using and recycling materials and ongoing resources e.g. water.
Community Engagement
To engage local people in accelerating their own responses & building resilience to climate impact.
We are hosting public consultations on:
Thursday 23rd January 2025
Drop in between 5pm & 9pm
Open discussion sessions: 5:45pm to 6:15pm & 8:15pm to 8:45pm
Helena Thompson Museum, Park End Road, CA14 4DE
Friday 24th January 2025
Drop in between 10am & 2pm
Open discussion sessions: 10:45am to 11:15am & 1:15pm to 1:45pm
Workington Library, Vulcans Lane, CA14 2ND
Wednesday 29th January 2025
Drop in between 10am & 2pm
Open discussion sessions: 10:45am to 11:15am & 1:15pm to 1:45pm
Re-build site CIC, Cumbria House, Murray Road, CA14 2AD
Thursday 30th January 2025
Drop in between 10am & 2pm
Open discussion sessions: 10:45am to 11:15am & 1:15pm to 1:45pm
High Harrington Community Centre, Crooklands, CA14 4NJ
If you are unable to make the above public consultations but would like to have your say.
Please complete the following online questionnaire: HERE
Or download a questionnaire: HERE
Please can completed questionnaires be handed/posted to:
Workington Town Council Offices, Town Hall, Oxford Street, Workington, CA14 2RS or emailed to:
There is a FREE prize draw for everyone who submits a questionnaire!
Cumbria Action for Sustainability and Cold to Cosy Homes Cumbria will be at all our consultation events offering free home energy advice, support and equipment to help residents stay warm and reduce heating costs.
If you're struggling with heating bills or want to make your home more energy-efficient, please contact them on 01768 216 500 or to book an appointment.
Useful links to help with your own climate change action:
The Carbon Trust provides guidance, webinars, and reports on how businesses can be corporately sustainable, future energy systems, and how to reduce your carbon footprint.
Cycling: Cycling UK has gathered a varied list of community cycling groups with maps, routes, and resources, encouraging cycling around the county.
Electric Vehicles: Zap Map has created a useful map showing all of the charging points in the local area.
Food Waste: The Love Food Hate Waste Website is packed with lots of useful advice to help individuals reduce food waste. With tips, recipes, and activities for everyone to get involved with.
Friends of the Earth: The Friends of the Earth organisation is focused on making the environment a better place. With the communities help to prevent mass extinction on millions of species across the globe and the UK.
Woodland Trust: The Woodland Trust has launched a tree planting scheme to encourage local schools and communities to plant trees in their areas, the Trust supplying free trees in November and March for schools and communities.
The World Wildlife Federation (WWF): has constructed a questionnaire to help you estimate your carbon footprint, offering advice, and a goal scheme for you to achieve, and reducing your carbon footprint.
Future Learn: has some free online learning courses on ‘Climate Change: Solutions created by experts from leading universities and organisations. This is a great opportunity to explore solutions to this global challenge, including mitigation, adaptation and geo-engineering, which can help avoid the most dangerous climate changes.
Local recycling centres: Recycling centres
North Lakes Foodbank: Operate six Foodbank Centres across the North Lakes area.
Zero Carbon Cumbria: Zero Carbon Cumbria is a brand that brings together everyone’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the county. From schools to scouts, from businesses to councils, from community groups to individual residents… people and organisations are taking action to cut their carbon footprint and help reach Cumbria’s goal of being a net zero carbon county.
CAFS: Cumbria Action For Suitability are Cumbria’s climate change charity. We’re here to help Cumbrians to reduce their carbon footprint and prevent climate change